Coming out in professional sports

Sports Free

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“Sports Free” is fighting for queer athletes in professional sports who still have to hide their identity.

With your support, you are making “Group coming out in professional sports” possible. This is not only a call for athletes, but for everyone – athletes, children, youth and the whole society. It is a chance to send a clear message: “How do we want to live? Who do we want to be?”

Starting on IDAHOBIT on May 17, 2024, Diversero hereby declares the 17th of every month as the worldwide “Sports Free Day”. On this day, actions can take place around the world to raise awareness of the challenges that queer athletes face in professional sports and to offer them our unconditional support.

Storytelling & Safe Space for Athletes

Researching and publishing stories of already out people in professional sports and creating a safe platform for personal, safe coming-outs

“Hide and Seek - The Long Road to Freedom”

Producing a film series on individual coming out journeys in sports, highlighting challenges and confrontations

Your donation will be used for

  • Storytelling
    Researching and publishing stories of professional athletes who have already come out

  • Safe Space for Athletes
    Creating a secure online platform that offers athletes the opportunity to come out in an individual and protected way

  • “Hide and Seek – The Long Road to Freedom”
    Production of a film series with in-depth insights into the individual coming out processes in professional sport, including the confrontations and challenges

  • Education & support
    Provide services for sports organizations to promote a more inclusive sports world
Coming out in professional sports

Sports Free